Unter dem Label Landisoft entwickelten und vertrieben Markus und Thomas Landgraf Spiele für Commodore VC20, Commodore C116, Commodore Amiga und Atari ST.
1981 - Commodore VC20 - 8k
1981 - Commodore VC20 - 8k (1982 16k)
1981 - Commodore VC20 - GV
1982 - Commodore VC20 - 16k
1984 - Commodore C16, wurde vom Distributor Kingsoft in Galaxy umbenannt.
1985 - Commodore C64
1985 - Commodore C16
1985 - Commodore C64 (unvollendet)
In den 80ern war es die Spiele-Programmiertung, wir sind unserer Devise treu geblieben: "Passion over Profession - in allem was wir tun!"
Markus loved to ride his Malaguti Ronco 25 and to play E-Guitar.
Schüler & Games Developer
Dr. Markus Landgraf studied physics and is dedicated to space science.
Architecture Analyst at ESA/ESTEC
Thomas drove Suzuki GT80L with a self-empowered engine (This offense is barred)
Schüler & Games Developer
Thomas Landgraf studied electical engineering and mathematics, then started several Ventures in the IT Sector
Founder & Entrepreneur